Top Reasons to Get Your Hearing Tested
Hearing loss often starts so subtly that you don’t realize it’s
Technology has helped transform hearing loss management over the years, with research revealing that the invention of the world’s first hearing aids in 1898 revolutionized auditory loss management. Before technology began to dominate the health and medical space, hearing loss didn’t have much intervention beyond learning to communicate through sign language. However, technological advancements in audiology have played a crucial role in restoring the joy of sound among individuals living with hearing loss. But before sound restoration, a hearing aid fitting with an audiologist is mandatory.
This step is essential in your path to improving your hearing and shouldn’t be overlooked. Your journey to better hearing begins with an audiologist, who will assess the severity of your hearing loss and what pitches and frequencies you can and cannot hear. Hearing aids are not one-size-fits all and every individual’s hearing preferences are unique. Hearing aid fittings will help with personalization for your hearing needs.
Modern hearing aids are more than devices to restore auditory functions. They are sophisticated pieces of technology catering to you and your unique needs. Over the years, audiologists have realized that the more the device aligns with your specific characteristics, the better the outcomes. With the help of advanced software, an audiologist tailors the device’s settings to meet your hearing loss type. The settings will, however, depend on your audiogram results, which provide details on your hearing abilities.
The exciting news is that personalized programming amplifies the sound frequencies you have challenges with. This will help to amplify the pitches and frequencies you have trouble hearing. It explains why wearing another individual’s hearing aids may not be advisable. The programming also considers your lifestyle to ensure that the auditory devices enhance a positive wearer experience.
Individuals are different and no ear shape is the same. A hearing aid fitting will customize your hearing aids to only meet your needs and hearing profile. The key characteristic that takes precedence is your ear size. Even among twins, ear sizes may vary, which is why these devices are made for your ears only. An audiologist pays close attention to your ear’s unique anatomy to get the right measurements needed for your device. Your audiologist knows that a comfortable and secure hearing aid improves effectiveness and boosts your quality of life.
As mentioned earlier, getting a hearing aid fitting is aimed at improving your quality of life. It helps boost social engagement, work performance and emotional well-being. Research has over the years also proven that hearing aid fittings offer cognitive benefits, too. You have a reduced risk of cognitive decline when you get fitted with a hearing aid to improve your quality of life.
If you want to learn more about the significance of a hearing aid fitting or want to know about the different types of hearing aids that may be for you, schedule an appointment with an audiologist. They can answer any questions you might have regarding your hearing health.
Hearing loss often starts so subtly that you don’t realize it’s
Hearing aids have improved greatly over the years, thanks to advancements
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