Hearing aids are a terrific solution if you are experiencing hearing loss. However, your hearing loss may progress or sometimes your hearing aids require repairs due to wear and tear. There are many misconceptions that exist regarding hearing aids and repairs. If you’re in the market for hearing aids you’re going to want to know the truth about them and what to expect. This will cover some common misconceptions about hearing aid repairs and debunk any myths.

All Hearing Aids are Made the Same

Each hearing aid is meant to cater to an individual’s needs and specific hearing loss. Hearing aids are not all made the same and this is why you have to get the right type and fit for you. There are many factors that come into play such as your lifestyle, personal preferences and level of hearing loss. They are meant to meet the unique requirements of each individual based on size, fit and technology features.

Intense Maintenance is Required on Hearing Aids

Another common misconception about hearing aid repairs is that they require intense maintenance. Although they are delicate devices, they don’t require you to clean and tune them every day. You can keep your hearing aids in good condition by removing earwax buildup and wiping them with a clean cloth regularly. It’s unlikely that you’ll need to constantly bring your hearing aids to a hearing health professional to look them over or repair them. Keep them in a safe storage place overnight and try to avoid touching them with dirty hands.

You Can Fix Them on Your Own

Another common misconception about hearing aid repairs debunked is that you can fix issues on your own. If you are experiencing problems with your hearing aids, it’s always best to take them into a professional and have them look them over for you. Some damage to your hearing aids can be invisible and you won’t be able to see what the problem is. Instead, have a hearing health professional take a look and see if you can get them repaired instead of having to purchase new hearing aids.

Only One Adjustment is Required for Your Hearing Aids

When you get hearing aids, you’ll get them fitted and adjusted by a hearing health professional. However, this doesn’t mean that you never need to have them adjusted again. Your hearing loss can change over time. You should schedule routine appointments to have your hearing aids adjusted properly. This is also a good opportunity to let the hearing care professional know of any issues you may be having with your hearing aids.

You now know the truth about hearing aids and repairs and can overcome some of the misconceptions that are out there. It’s always best to work with a hearing health professional regarding your hearing aids and any issues you’re having. It’s more than likely that you can proceed with hearing aid repairs and get yours functioning properly as they should for future wear.

Tags: hearing aid repair, hearing aid services, hearing aid styles